Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Something pretty out of something....

I had to get my head shaved yesterday because my hair was falling out at rapid speed. I asked my good friend, my bosom buddy, my partner in crime, my monk to come and take pictures and for moral support. I asked her to take the photos because I knew she would make something beautiful out of the experience. She did not fail.The photos are beautiful and I think you get a sense of the love that she feels for me.

I started to think how lucky I am. You say "She thinks she is lucky....she has cancer" I do think I am lucky maybe even blessed. I have the most supportive friends, family and co-workers.They have called, sent cards, cooked, taken me to chemo, lighted candles, sat vigil by my hospital bed, made me laugh, made me cry, and even though I'm ill they still do not let me get away with anything. I hope everyone is able to feel this kind of love and support in their lives.

My cup runeth over.

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky - I get it! And so are all your accessories!!! No one wants a loved one to be sick but if it has to happen they want the chance to hold your hand, laugh with you (or at you if needed), hug you, and cry with you - not for you! You are making memories and the more beautiful you can make them the better. I am so glad that you have touched my life...know that I am routing for you to kick ASS!!!

    PS. are your tastebuds back to normal? If not, let me know when it is good to send chocolate!!!
